We only remember history in the present moment.
This series of 16 charcoal drawings aimed to describe told our contemporary life through stories from Christian Scripture. They are not intended to illustrate certain scriptures, but they draw inspiration from biblical stories and attempt to place the experience in a contemporary setting. The second drawing of Adam and Eve, for example, could be back then or now, but focus is on a relationship and the struggle to love in the midst of turmoil. The drawing of Mary hugging Jesus focuses on Mary’s joy at seeing Jesus again, rather than describe the events around the resurrection.
Most of the drawings are 1.2m square. The 3 of the crucifixion are 1.4m square. The 16 drawings combine for an overall length of 20m. All together, I hope they surround the viewer.
In order, the 16 drawings were inspired by these biblical stories:
The creation
Adam and Eve
The Flood
Mary and Joseph, with baby Jesus
The woman not stoned
Peter and Judas
Jesus crucified
Peter and Judas
Mary hugging Jesus
Our Contemporary world
The end of times