

Eucalyptus wood and milk paint. 15,000 pieces.

Installed on the Tasmanian Parliament House Lawn, November 2018

Supported by the Tasmanian Government and the Tasmanian State RSL

Shorelines spoke of hope, that peace is attainable. 

The ideas in this work centre on two images.

The first is our Australian shoreline, used as a metaphor for journey, a threshold, something Tasmanians and Australians had to cross to first leave our country, then again to enter the conflict, and finally to return to Australia, either physically or spiritually.

The second image was the Gallipoli Lifeboat, used to symbolise each Tasmanian that served in the war. In total, 15,000 men and women chose to serve. At the time, this was a huge percentage of the Tasmanian population. Each lifeboat in the installation is unique, made from the variable forms naturally found in eucalyptus wood and milk paint.

Together, the boats create long lines across the lawn, symbolising waves lapping a shore.


Northern Beaches Art Prize Finalist


Youth Leadership Development, with skateboards